Having issues logging in to your account?
The most common reason for this is that the wrong password is being entered. To reset your password, click on “password problems” on the account log in page. You can reset your password by entering your email address and clicking ‘Request a New Password’. We’ll email you a temporary password that will allow you to sign in to Easons.com. Upon signing in, you’ll be asked to immediately create a new personalised password of your choice.
I’m trying to create an account but my password isn’t accepted.
Passwords must be at least 5 characters long. They can contain letters, numbers or both (as well as hyphens, underscores and spaces). Upper and lower cases are considered identical. If your password fits this criteria and is still not accepted please contact support@easons.com.
I have been sent a new password, but it is not being accepted
If you are certain that the password entered is correct, then the issue will be with the username. If your email address is your username, remember it is CASE-SENSITIVE and the most common reason for why your address is not accepted. Maybe your username was typed in using a different case for all or some of the letters and numbers. Therefore if it is not clear what your exact username is please email us at support@easons.com and our technical team will find how it was originally input. You will then have to decide whether to carry on using this version or create a new account.