If you have made an order on easonschoolbooks.com or want to order something, and have some questions, we hope you will find the answers below. If not you can contact our customer support team.

How long does delivery take?

Orders placed online at easonschoolbooks.com will be dispatched the next business day from our warehouse.

Standard delivery with An Post parcel delivery service takes 2-3 days.

Express delivery (next day*) via UPS national shipping service is 1 business day for orders placed before 6pm (*next business day)

Why did I only receive part of my school book order?

While we endeavour to deliver all items in your order together, we will occasionally ship part of your order separately should an item become unavailable. For example, if you order three items and one of them is out of stock, we may dispatch the two in-stock items while we await new stock of the third item. On these occasions, we will continue to update you via email as your order progresses.

How can I track my school book order?

When your order is dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive a ‘Dispatch Notification’ email. This will contain a unique code allowing you to track your order(s) from An Post (Standard Delivery) or UPS (Express Delivery).

Orders delivered to you may require a signature. Please note: We cannot deliver to PO boxes.

Do you offer book covering?

Yes, we can pre-cover your textbooks in our warehouse for 0.99c per book. You can get all textbooks delivered, already covered with a clear polypropylene wallet for ONLY 99c per book. Simply tick ‘yes, cover my books’ to apply it to your order.  Some books cannot be covered because they are part of a set and are pre-packaged. In this case, we will add some book covers to the box, which you can place on the books once you open the packaging. They are very easy to put on.

We do not offer book covering for stationery items (including copies and pads). Products such as dictionaries, teacher’s resources and items with a metal spine are also not suitable for our book covering process.